Messages of Hope
The LORD Is Peace – Part 2
The LORD Is Peace - Part 2 - Judges 6:23-40 1. To a Conflicted Judge 2. To a Timid Judge 3. To a Weak-Fatih Judge
The LORD Is Peace – Part 1
The LORD Is Peace - Judges 6:1-40 1. To a Conflicted Judge 2. To a Timid Judge 3. To a Weak-Faith Judge
Six Days You Shall Work
Six Days You Shall Work - 2Thessalonians 3:6-15 1. Christ’s Command to Work 2. Christ’s Dignity toward Work 3. Christ’s Glory in Our Work
Sing a New Song to Yahweh
Sing a New Song to Yahweh - Judges 5:1-31 1. Yahweh’s Mercy 2. Yahweh’s People 3. Yahweh’s Kingdom
Two Women and a Man
Two Women and a Man - Judges 4:1-24 1. Deborah the Judge 2. Barak the Commander 3. Jael the Hand of God
Confidence in the Lord
Confidence in the Lord - 2Thessalonians 3:1-5 1. Showing Confidence 2. Experiencing Confidence
Ehud and the Fat Man
Ehud and the Fat Man - Judges 3:12-31 1. A Frail Deliverer from God 2. A Message from God 3. A Victory from God
Chosen for Salvation
Chosen for Salvation - 2Thessalonians 2:13-17 1. Bound to Give Thanks 2. Called to Standfast 3. Blessed with Comfort
Before The Coming Of The Lord
Before The Coming Of The Lord - 2Thessalonians 2:1-12 1. The Man of Lawlessness 2. God’s Strong Delusion
Generational Degeneration
Generational Degeneration - Judges 2:1-23 1. Their Disobedience 2. Their Unfaithfulness