Messages of Hope

The Corruption in Power

The Corruption in Power

The Corruption in Power - Judges 8:33-35; 9:1-25, 5-57 1. Bold Arrogance 2. Blind Ignorance 3. Belligerent Sinfulness

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Jesus the Only Begotten Son

Jesus the Only Begotten Son

Jesus the Only Begotten Son - John 1:1, 14-18 1. He Reveals the Glory of God 2. He Is the Fullness of Grace 3. He Declares the Father to All

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Jesus Is the True Light

Jesus Is the True Light

Jesus Is the True Light - John 1:1-13 1. He Gives Light to All 2. He Shines in the Darkness 3. He Grants the Right of Adoption

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Jesus Is the Word

Jesus Is the Word

Jesus Is the Word - John 20:30-31; 1:1-9 1. He Is Eternal 2. He Is Personal 3. He Is Divine

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God Uses Weak Men

God Uses Weak Men

God Uses Weak Men - Judges 7:1-25 1. Weakness Is Necessary 2. Weakness Is Encouraged 3. Weakness Is Strength

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Kept in Perfect Peace

Kept in Perfect Peace

Kept in Perfect Peace - 2Thessalonians 3:16-18 1. Peace From God Himself 2. Peace in Every Way 3. Peace That Is Full of Grace

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