Messages of Hope
Guilty As Charged
Guilty As Charged - John 3:9-21 1. The Promise 2. The Threat 3. The Verdict
Samson – Broken Vows
Samson – Broken Vows - Judges 16:1-24 1. Besetting Sin 2. External Holiness 3. Presumed Grace
Jesus the Justifier of Sinners
Jesus the Justifier of Sinners -John 3:1-16 1. The Father’s Love 2. The Son’s Sacrifice 3. The Sinner’s Faith
Foxtails and Jawbones
Foxtails and Jawbones - Judges 15:1-20 1. Yahweh’s Providence 2. Israel’s Subjection 3. Samson’s Complaint
You Must Be Born Again
You Must Be Born Again - John 3:1-12 1. The Necessity of New Birth 2. The Nature of New Birth
Samson, Secrets and Riddles
Samson, Secrets and Riddles - Judges 14:1-20 1. The Lord’s Secret Purpose 2. Samson’s Secret Riddle
The LORD Comes to His Temple
The LORD Comes to His Temple - John 2:12-25 1. Zeal for His Temple 2. The Glory of the True Temple 3. Faith in the True Temple
Samson – Born a Deliverer
Samson – Born a Deliverer - Judges 13:1-25 1. A Grace Child 2. A Holy Child 3. A Blessed Child
Jesus’ First Sign
Jesus’ First Sign - John 2:1-11 1. A Sign of His Grace and Truth 2. A Sign of His Glory 3. A Sign for Our Faith
Despised Yet Needed
Despised Yet Needed - Judges 11:1-28 1. A Man of Sorrow 2. A Man of Skill 3. A Man of Salvation