Messages of Hope
Purge Out the Leaven
Purge Out the Leaven - Judges 20:1-48 1. Israel’s Unity 2. Benjamin’s Intransigence 3. Yahweh’s Judgment
Look at the Fields
Look at the Fields - John 4:27-42 1. Jesus’ Food 2. Jesus’ Fields 3. Jesus’ Followers
When the Church Becomes Sodom
When the Church Becomes Sodom - Judges 19:1-30 1. Sexual Immorality 2. Moral Indifference 3. Debased Solutions
Worship in Spirit and Truth
Worship in Spirit and Truth - John 4:16-26 1. Spirit versus Flesh 2. Truth versus Ignorance
Idolatry: My Gods Which I Made
Idolatry: My Gods Which I Made - Judges 18:1-31 1. Trespassing God’s Law 2. Invoking Superstitions 3. Following Selfish Desires 4. Exercising Personal Power
The Father Is Seeking Worshipers
The Father Is Seeking Worshipers - John 4:15-26 1. Who Versus Where 2. Spirit Versus Flesh 3. Truth Versus Ignorance
Jesus, the Giver of Living Water
Jesus, the Giver of Living Water - John 4:1-15 1. Give Me Water 2. The Gift God Gives 3. The Water Jesus Gives
A Form of Godliness – Syncretism
A Form of Godliness - Syncretism - Judges 17:1-13 1. Fashionable Idolatry 2. Imaginative Worship 3. Manipulated Providence
Receiving the Testimony of Christ
Receiving the Testimony of Christ - John 3:22-36 1. Joy Fulfilled 2. Christ Increased 3. God Is True Confirmed
Samson – Hidden in Christ
Samson - Hidden in Christ - Judges 16:21-31