Messages of Hope
Jesus The Greater Than Moses
Jesus The Greater Than Moses John 6:1-24 1. Food in the Wilderness 2. The Prophet in the World 3. Crossing the Galilean Sea
The LORD Is Gracious
The LORD Is Gracious Psalm 145:8-16 1. Christ Is Good to All 2. Christ Is Over All 3. Christ Upholds All
The LORD Is Great
The LORD Is Great - Psalm 145 [v.1-7] Majestic Greatness Praiseworthy Greatness Unsearchable Greatness
The Four Witnesses of Christ
The Four Witnesses of Christ - John 5:31-47 1. John’s Witness 2. Jesus’ Works 3. The Father’s Word
The LORD Is Good
The LORD Is Good - Psalm 100 1. Serve the LORD 2. Know the LORD 3. Bless the LORD
Jesus Is the Divine Son
Jesus Is the Divine Son - John 5:16-30 1. His Work with the Father 2. His Purpose in the Father 3. His Authority from the Father
The LORD Our God Is Holy
The LORD Our God Is Holy - Psalm 99 1. The LORD Reigns in Holiness 2. The LORD Judges in Holiness 3. The LORD Forgives in Holiness
Do You Want to Be Made Well?
Do You Want to Be Made Well? - John 5:1-15 1. The State of Humanity 2. The Helplessness of Humanity 3. The Ignorance of Humanity
There But For the Grace of God
There But For the Grace of God - Judges 21:1-25 1. Unthinking Oaths 2. Unethical Responses 3. Unwavering Grace
Faith Comes by Hearing
Faith Comes by Hearing - John 4:43-54 1. Spiritual Stupor 2. Scary Situation 3. Second Sign