Messages of Hope
The Generous Giver
The Generous Giver 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 1. Giving Shows Righteousness 2. Giving Shows Submission 3. Giving Shows God’s Grace
The Cheerful Giver
The Cheerful Giver - 2Corinthians 9:6-15 1. Giving is Sowing 2. Giving is Serving 3. Giving is Rewarding
Simeon’s Song – Departing in Peace
Simeon’s Song – Departing in Peace Luke 2:21-35 Departing in Peace 1. Jesus the Prince of Peace 2. Jesus Pierced for Our Pea
Zacharias’ Song – God Has Visited Us
Zacharias’ Song – God Has Visited Us Luke 1:57-80 God Has Visited Us 1. The Dayspring of Visitation 2. The Work of Redemption
Mary’s Song – God My Saviour
Mary’s Song – God My Saviour Luke 1:26-56 1. Mindful of Us 2. Mighty over Us 3. Merciful to Us
Jesus – I AM the Door!
Jesus – I AM the Door! John 10:1-10 1. For the Sheep 2. For Salvation
Grace Abounds to Sinners
Grace Abounds to Sinners John 6:41-59 1. The Grace of the Father 2. The Grace to Feed 3. The Grace to Live
The LORD Is King
The LORD Is King Psalm 10 1. King Over the Wicked 2. King to Restore Justice 3. King Forever and Ever
The LORD Is Righteous
The LORD Is Righteous Psalm 145:17-21 1. Righteous to His Truth 2. Righteous to Hear Us 3. Righteous to Judge
Jesus Is the Bread of Life
Jesus Is the Bread of Life John 6:25-40 1. The Satisfier of Souls 2. The Sign and Seal 3. The Son Who Gives Life