Messages of Hope

Christ Did Not Please Himself

Christ Did Not Please Himself

Read Romans 15:1-13 We have all heard the old idiom [from 1626AD], “in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” I propose a fourth line, with all people, Christ-likeness [or Christ’s personality]”. With all that can be said about...

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The Law of Love

The Law of Love

Read Romans 14:13-23 This is the second message on the issue of “Liberty of Conscience” and the biblical principles that govern our exercise of our conscience. Contrary to popular thought, we are not “free” to exercise our conscience as we may think, but are to...

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The Freedom to Live Godly

The Freedom to Live Godly

Read Titus 3:1-8 In John 8:34-36 Jesus speaks about his grace that brings us freedom from the slavery of sin, and if the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. But free to do what? You are free to live godly in Christ Jesus. Paul addresses this freedom, and points...

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The Law of Liberty

The Law of Liberty

Read Romans 14:1-12 This message is longer than normal, but dealing with the crucial matter of the exercise of our conscience, especially when that liberty conflicts with other Christians. If we believe and confess that God alone is lord of our conscience, then we...

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The Church Abiding in Grace

The Church Abiding in Grace

This letter to Titus is also for the Church. While there is some overlap with 1Timothy, Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit, writes to Titus for him to set in order within the church such things as godly elders, faithful discipline, reverent mentoring,...

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All Israel Will Be Saved

All Israel Will Be Saved

Read Romans 11:25-36 Paul sets before us perhaps the greatest mystery and concern regarding God’s electing purposes: how come so few Jewish people have yet to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ? His answer, unimaginable grace is yet waiting to be poured out on...

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Assurance of Grace

Assurance of Grace

Read Titus 1:1-9 with Isaiah 60:1-9 When it comes to being assured of the hope of eternal life and the persevering grace of God, the foundation and confidence of this rests upon God’s promise, plan, and proclaiming authority in the covenant of grace. Every single...

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God Our Saviour

God Our Saviour

Read Titus 1:1-4 In this introductory message to Titus, we see Paul expressing his identity in Christ as a bondservant and apostle, affirming that Christ is both his Lord, and the one who has given him authority to write to Titus and the Church at Crete. In this...

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