Messages of Hope

The Church is God’s Temple

The Church is God’s Temple

The Church Is God’s Temple Jesus Christ Is the Foundation The Holy Spirit Dwells Within As the Temple of God, the church is a holy gathering of believers who share in the baptism of the Spirit, and become the place where the Father and the Son make their...

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The Church is the Body of Christ

The Church is the Body of Christ

The Church Is the Body of Christ The Body Is One in Christ The Body Is Many Members You Are the Body of Christ Christ's Church needs the diversity of members [ethnically, socially, age, etc] so that the body can learn to care, honour, nurture, and consider others more...

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The Church and Evangelism

The Church and Evangelism

The Church and Evangelism The Father’s Reconciliation Christ’s Love The Terror of the Lord Each day we are to have our feet ready with the preparation of the gospel of peace, for the Father wishes to plead through us, "Be reconciled to God!"

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The Church and Her Worship

The Church and Her Worship

Sermon Points:
Morning Service – The Church and Her Worship
1. Worship the Father
2. Worship in Christ
3. Worship in Spirit & Truth

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The Church and Her Communion

The Church and Her Communion

This is sermon three of twelve in our "The Church" series The church's greatest struggles have been with idolatry and unity. Like Israel of old, the church often delves into worldly practices, wisdom, and philosophies that are contrary to God and His Word. This most...

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The Marks Of The Church

The Marks Of The Church

This is the second sermon of twelve in our 'The Church' series. The faithful church can be identified by these four marks that were immediately seen in the infancy of the New Testament Church in Acts 2:42. They continued steadfastly in the Apostles' Doctrine and...

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I Will Build My Church

I Will Build My Church

We don’t ‘do church’ on Sunday and stop being the Church for the rest of the week. We are the Church as the ‘called out ones’ 1Peter2: 9-10

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The Loneliness of Service

The Loneliness of Service

As Paul readies himself for his impending martyrdom, he calls upon Timothy to join him in the hour of the valley of the shadow of death. It has perhaps less to do with Paul’s need of assurance, and more to encourage, warn, and strengthen Timothy for the kingdom work...

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