Messages of Hope

The Unity of the Faith

The Unity of the Faith

The Unity of the Faith What That Unity Looks Like What That Unity Causes The unity of the faith forged within this Church is reliant upon Christ's gift of men to you, who, as pastors and teachers, minister His Word where you all are exposed to the same sanctifying...

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Philemon – Liberated to Serve

Philemon – Liberated to Serve

Liberated to Serve - Philemon 1-25 Liberty in the Gospel Liberty That Transforms Real liberty in the Gospel does not keep account of wrongs, but operates under the principle of, "freely you have received, freely give." Christ paid our debt to set us free from sin's...

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One Holy Catholic Church

One Holy Catholic Church

One Holy Catholic Church Unity of the Spirit Unity of the Faith Everyone who lives in the faith, hope, and love, in Christ, in the same Spirit of God belongs to the Church catholic; for they have been called to the same inheritance of eternal life, and participation...

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Philemon – For Love’s Sake

Philemon – For Love’s Sake

For Love’s Sake Where Love Is Focused What Love Produces How Love Is Exercised Philemon 1-25 Philemon is about the extraordinary, otherworldly, heavenly labour of love in forgiving a fellow believer of their offences against us. This appeal to forgive is not made from...

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The Church Is God’s Servant

The Church Is God’s Servant

The Church Is God’s Servant Serving under God’s Sovereignty Serving with All Boldness Serving In the Spirit’s Power Isaiah 49: 1-7, Sermon Text Acts 4:13-31 The sovereignty of God is a doctrine of peace to our souls. Why should we be afraid of those who gather against...

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Colossians – For All The Saints

Colossians – For All The Saints

For All the Saints Appreciate What Each Offers Appreciate How Christ Builds His Church Notice how faithful and servant are often joined. The end of faithful service is the building up of the Church 'in love.' The godly will always love the service of faithful...

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The Church Is God’s Family

The Church Is God’s Family

The Church Is God’s Family In Christ, We are Children of God In Christ, We Are All One In Christ, We Are Abraham’s Seed In Christ, God is no longer our Judge ready to condemn and sentence us; God is now our Father who has forgiven and pardoned us, who has now covered...

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Colossians – Walking In Wisdom

Colossians – Walking In Wisdom

– Walking in Wisdom Praying Speaking Knowing Basic 101 Christianity exercised toward those who are not believers, is to be kind and good to the unworthy [grace], especially in our speech. We are to adorn the doctrine of our Saviour with kind, generous, loving, wise,...

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The Church Is Militant

The Church Is Militant

The Church Is Militant The Battle Ground The Enemy We face The Lord in Whom We Stand Before the Sabeans and Chaldeans raided Job's herds, and the storm and tornado destroyed his flocks and killed his children, there was the heaven spiritual conflict by Satan with God....

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