Messages of Hope

The LORD Delivered Them to Israel

The LORD Delivered Them to Israel

The LORD Delivered Them to Israel 1. The LORD Delivered Justly 2. The LORD Delivered Completely 3. The LORD Delivered Triumphantly Joshua 10:16-43 God so loved Israel He gave them the Land of Promise and delivered all their enemies into their hands. God so loved His...

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The Lord Fought for Israel

The Lord Fought for Israel

The Lord Fought for Israel 1. The LORD Fought Providentially 2. The LORD Fought Miraculously 3. The LORD Fought Justly The LORD God Almighty who commanded light to shine in darkness, and who commanded the sun to be still in the sky for a whole day, is the same Lord...

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Serving the Living and True God

Serving the Living and True God

Serving the Living and True God 1. Following Christ 2. Exampling Grace 3. Awaiting Christ’s Return What is the Church's priority before this world? Social activism? Affirming cultural issues? Reforming government? Our priority is "trumpeting the gospel"! The love of...

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The Art of Deception

The Art of Deception

The Art of Deception Christ felt the weight of the Covenant of Grace in Gethsemane - what it would cost Him to be the covenant keeper. But He sought and prayed for the Father's will to be done. Thank God we have this Covenant Keeper for all the times we break covenant...

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Elect and Beloved by God

Elect and Beloved by God

Elect and Beloved by God Too many Christians dislike the truth of God's electing love, but without electing grace, there is no adoption as sons [Eph.1:5], and there is no raising you up from the dead at the last day [John 6:39], unless you had first been given to...

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Covenant Renewal

Covenant Renewal

Covenant Renewal 1. Two Mountains 2. One Law God's Law is now written on our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit; God's Law now meets us in the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. It is no longer a Law unto death, but a Law unto the righteousness of God working in us. ~...

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The Evidence of Grace

The Evidence of Grace

The Evidence of Grace 1. Grace Flourishing 2. Grace’s Fountain 3. Grace’s Focus T Thessalonians 1:1-5 What is that work of faith? It is that obedience to God's Word, especially during trials and tribulation, which flows from faith in Christ, and which shows itself in...

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If At First You Don’t Succeed

If At First You Don’t Succeed

If At First, You Don’t Succeed 1. God Is Merciful 2. God Is Faithful 3. God Is Gracious Joshua 8:1-29 God graciously desired to give Israel a kingdom they didn't deserve, a land that wasn't theirs, and blessings they didn't labour for. Those gracious desires of the...

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A Church Born in Persecution

A Church Born in Persecution

A Church Born in Persecution 1. Disturbing Their Peace 2. Presenting the Prince of Peace 3. Living in Peace with God Acts 17:1-15 / 1Thessalonians 1:1-5 We give thanks to God always for you all...remembering...your work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope...

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Israel Has Sinned

Israel Has Sinned

Israel Has Sinned 1. Achan’s Sin Drew God’s Wrath 2. Achan’s Sin Defiled Israel 3. Achan’s Sin Destroyed His Family Joshua 7:1-26 And you, by all means, abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things, and make the camp...

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