Rev. Kevin Carter
The “Pastor’s Study” is my quiet room for a lot of reading and sermon preparation. There is, as well, a fair bit of contemplation and casual meetings (with the occasional pipe) that happens in this room. Though there is much within life, society, and the Church to comment upon, I am reticent to publish my perspectives. But when I do, I hope you will find in them biblical theological principles merged with real experiences of Church and Christian life.
Redeeming The Time
The words of Ephesians 5:15-16 are so apropos for Christians and the Church of Christ in this generation: See then that you walk circumspectly [carefully/diligently], not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. This coming Lord’s Day...
A Lesson Learned
The visible church’s posture over the past year [March 2020-April 2021] respecting Covid-19 and the imposition of government restrictions and regulations on conduct and assembly, has certainly been varied. It has also revealed how weak, and perhaps disingenuous, the...
Being Trinitarian as a Christian
I have been asked a few times over my years as a pastor, “Is it alright to pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or should it be just to the Father?” And just recently I was asked, “When I refer to God I am often using it interchangeably with Jesus and/or the Holy...
Location & Ministry
Hope Presbyterian Church has now been in its new location at 333 Princess St, in Kingston for three months, and I felt the need to share my most common conversation with inquirers thus far - "Why did you locate in this place next door to St. Andrew's Presbyterian?"...
When We Really Need the Church!
Churches are often faced with a revolving door respecting the membership. The transient lifestyle of many makes settling into a church long-term challenging, and perhaps this reflects why many churches do not exercise a formal visible membership. Families do come and...
The Lord’s Day Is Holy
I have a confession – I used to celebrate “Super Bowl Sunday” up to a few years ago, but I have repented of it, and in God’s grace been forgiven for doing so. There were many reasons, but the greatest was this: it is “The Lord’s Day” and we are commanded by our God,...